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PACA Conveyor – Week of May 13, 2021
Table of Contents
Easily jump to a section in this newsletter:

1. PACA News
3. PennDOT News
4. Environmental News
5. PACA Meetings-Events
6. Promotion News
7. Technical News

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25 Plat E Blasts
PACA wishes to thank our 2025 Platinum Sponsors for their generous support and commitment this year!
As reported by Peter Vlahos, PACA's President.
Time for Action - Rescue PA Roads Grassroots Campaign
We need to do some heavy lifting to rescue the Motor License Fund (MLF). We have watched since the passage of Act 89 of 2013, the draining of gas tax revenue to fund the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) operations while the PSP funding from the General Fund has remained static. We are not questioning the mission of the Pennsylvania State Police to protect our Commonwealth's citizens. We simply request that a greater burden for the PSP's operations are paid from the General Fund approved by the General Assembly every year.

Due to COVID-19, the largesse of the federal government has presented us with this one time opportunity - even if it is as a short-term solution - to shift the PSP burden away from the MLF and onto the General Fund by using the more than $5 Billion sitting in the Harrisburg bank courtesy of Washington, DC. This window will close when the 2021-2022 state budget is approved and some say as early as mid-June.

The Governor and members of the General Assembly must hear from us. Some would say that our ask to invest some of the $5 Billion to free up the MLF is self-serving. Those some people will need to be reminded that we are a heavy duty payer into the system and our businesses depend on a reliable transportation network to deliver our products.

Please take the less than a minute to use the link courtesy of our partners at the Associated Pennsylvania Constructors to share your voice with the Governor and your legislative representatives. And the more the merrier, so share with your colleagues, friends and family. A dependable, reliable and well funded transportation network in the Commonwealth is about economic development and the health and safety of our employees and our families!

Please contact Peter Vlahos with any questions.
PennDOT News
PennDOT Encourages Public to Join Telephone Town Hall, Review Draft Transportation Funding Study
Harrisburg, PA – As part of the ongoing public comment period for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study exploring sustainable transportation funding options, a telephone town hall meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, at 6:00 PM EST.

The telephone town hall will provide an opportunity to comment on the statewide PEL study in addition to an active virtual public meeting, accessible online through June 1, 2021, at

The public may pre-register for the telephone town hall, but it is not required. There are three ways to join the telephone town hall:

Those who cannot join the telephone opportunity are encouraged to review and participate in the on-demand virtual public meeting that began on April 29. Public comments can be submitted directly from the meeting website or via other comment submission methods, including:

The PEL study, in support of the PennDOT Pathways program, is being conducted to identify near- and long-term alternative funding solutions and establish a methodology for their evaluation. The Transportation Revenue Options Commission (TROC), which was established by Governor Tom Wolf's Executive Order on March 12, received the draft PEL study and will receive the final version when completed.

For more information about the PennDOT Pathways program, visit
Environmental News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Environmental News
What's Happening with DEP Chapter 77?
The Department received comments from four commenters on the clarifications and corrections to the Chapter 77 Noncoal Mining regulations. Aside from PACA’s comments, comments were received from the Delaware Riverkeepers, PA Association for Noise Control Abatement and Mountain Watershed Association. The Mining Bureau will review these comments and prepare a comment/response document. As the comments were due May 4th, we are now in the IRRC review and comment process.

Should you have any questions or comments, contact Josie Gaskey.
Environmental News
The Latest with DEP and Manganese
DEP Bureau of Clean Water is still moving forward on the manganese issue. he Department received approximately 950 comments on the proposed rulemaking, to which they will be writing a comment/response document to these comments.

In the meantime, the Water Bureau, with assistance from the Mining Bureau, is looking at a subset of mining facilities—both coal and noncoal—to evaluate the cost for facilities to treat for lowering the manganese limit from 1 mg/l to 0.3 mg/l at the point of discharge.

We continue to fight against the implementation of this proposed regulation given the requirements of Act 40 of 2017. It is expected we will see a revised version this summer.
Environmental News
Encouraging PACA Members to Submit Discharge Monitoring Reports Electronically
We encourage you to submit your Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically. Given that not every operator has registered through DEP’s Greenport and is submitting their Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically, the Mining Department is considering inserting a Special Condition into your NPDES permits requiring you to submit your Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically.

Therefore, if you are having a challenge with the Greenport registration or submitting your DMRs electronically, email Josie Gaskey and she’ll connect you with the appropriate people at DEP.
Environmental News
Noncoal Activities on Noncoal Mine Sites
If you are having discussions about noncoal activities (such as solar panels) being located on noncoal mine sites, please contact Josie Gaskey.
PACA Meetings-Events
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
PACA Meetings-Events
Upcoming PACA Meetings / Events

May 27 - PACA Environmental Community Meeting, Hershey, PA - REGISTER


May 18 - NRMCA's Design Assistance Program (DAP) - A Resource You Should Be Using Webinar - REGISTER

May 25 - PACA Members Forum with NSSGA's Austin Bone - REGISTER

PACA Meetings-Events
Attention PACA Young Leaders - OR Anyone Else Who Would Like to Take Out Some Aggression
Attention PACA Young Leaders. Attention anyone who feels stressed out and needs an outlet. Attention anyone who has felt cooped up inside over the last year and needs to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Attention anyone who likes to have FUN. Curiosity peaked right now?? Then, watch the video below to see just what we are talking about!

PACA Meetings-Events
Golf 2021
PSSSSSTTTT!!! You, hey, you!

Did you know that for this year and this year only, you can register for the PACA Golf Outing without registering to attend the Summer Summit??? This has never been done before and will never be done again, so take advantage! A one-time offer!

PACA will hold our Annual Golf Outing on Tuesday, June 15th at the beautiful Country Club at Woodloch in the Pocono mountains. The outing is being held in conjunction with PACA's Summer Summit and a discount registration is available for those who register to attend both. With all of the COVID restrictions (other than masks) being lifted as of May 31st, why not take advantage, see your colleagues and customers and come on out and join us!

More information on the PACA Golf Outing, the Summer Summit and the PACA Paintball Tournament is available on our website!
PACA Meetings-Events
Greg Coker Development Facebook Image
Powerful PACA 1-2 Punch! Summer Summit Sessions Are Unique & Useful for All
While networking among peers, customers, colleagues, family and friends is the ultimate goal of the PACA Summer Summit, there is an educational aspect to it, of course.

The most advantageous aspect of our Summer Summit sessions is they are unique, outside the box and appeal to PACA industry members, their spouses and family also. Come one, come all!

This year's presentations are certainly much needed after dealing with lockdowns, pandemic frustrations, crises and all that the past year has put on our plates. Our featured speaker this year is Greg Coker (a past PACA speaker and the instructor for the PACA Emerging Leaders Academy) and Greg's presentations will focus on emotional intelligence and stress management. Who doesn't need a little advice on stress management right now - WOW!

Powerful PACA 1-2 Punch! Emotional Intelligence & Stress Management

Emotional Intelligence

From both a life and organizational perspective, Emotional Intelligence is changing our concept of “being smart.” Emotional Intelligence (EQ), how we handle ourselves and our relationships— coupled with our intelligence (IQ), determine life and career success. Our emotions are contagious and play a crucial role in our personal effectiveness and success. We excel not just through our “Skills & Smarts,” but how we “Connect” with others. In this exciting, high-impact, high-energy presentation, Greg Coker outlines the four components of being “Emotionally Intelligent” while providing a blueprint for individual, team and organizational excellence. Don’t miss this session!

Stress Management

Bottom line, we’re all stressed! Boosting our immune system through stress reduction will not only keep us healthy at home and at work, it will keep us and our organizations producing the results we must have to succeed during these unprecedented times. The highlight of this session is the Seven Characteristics of Stress Resistant People, all research based and guaranteed to provide the blueprint needed to build a strong foundation for peak performance. And, assisting others in managing their stress through the tools Greg Coker will share in this presentation is one of the highest forms of Emotional Intelligence!

Greg Coker is the president and CEO of Greg Coker Development Inc., whose mission is the development of the individual, team and organization. Considered an expert in human behavior and organization dynamics, his vision is as a result of reading his books, attending his keynotes/workshops; recipients are moved to achieve higher levels of performance and their organizations better places to work. He is the author of Building Cathedrals: The Power of Purpose, Soft Skills Field Manual and Healing the Wounds: Forgiveness & Reconciliation in the Workplace. His clients include education, business/industry, correctional facilities (staff development/reentry) and high-performance individuals who benefit from his personal coaching. His website is

Register for the PACA Summer Summit TODAY!

Just a reminder - Registration for the Summer Summit, the Golf Outing and the Paintball Tournament will close June 1st. Hotel rooms will no longer be available after June 1st as well, so DON'T WAIT! Time is running out.

Promotion News
As reported by Ken Crank, PACA's Director of Concrete Promotion.
Promotion News
Design Assistance Program Webinar Reminder Slated
Don't forget to register for our concrete project Design Assistance Program webinar!

NRMCA staff members Doug O'Neill (buildings) and Luke McHugh (pavements) will familiarize our audience with the variety of tools that are available to help you convert projects from alternative construction materials (lumber, asphalt) to concrete.

We hope you will join us on May 18th at 11:00 AM.

See you then!
Promotion News
DJI 0033
ICF Project Video Posted
The video that was developed from the recent PACA site tour of North Cornwall Commons has been posted to our SpecifyConcrete website.

North Cornwall Commons is a 5-story apartment complex being developed by Byler Holdings. The original design for the project called for concrete block, however after Byler Holdings and Boger Concrete submitted the project through PACA and the NRMCA's Design Assistance Program (DAP) the company opted to use ICFs.

Please take the time to watch the video and share it with as many as your customers as you can. When you weigh the benefits of concrete versus other construction materials (including first costs given today's lumber market) we think you will agree: Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!

We are always looking to assist our members by helping to promote concrete projects. If you have a project that we can assist with, please contact Ken Crank.
Technical News
As reported by Jim Casilio, P.E., PACA's Director of Technical Services.
Technical News
eTicketing Update – Latest List of Pilot Projects and Link to eTicketing Update Presentation
A list of updated eticketing projects, as of May, is available below.

An eTicketing update was presented by Kelly Barber, and the PennDOT leaders of the eTicketing workgroups at our May 11 PACA Members Forum. This presentation included preliminary screen shots of the app that the PennDOT inspectors will be using, and other information on the development and roll out of the PennDOT interface to receive information from our producers.

A link to view this presentation is:


As noted during this presentation, please let me know if you have any questions and we will forward them to the workgroup(s) for answers.

Also please let me know if you have one of the 2021 pilot projects, many will be bid soon.

Thank you,

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