Paca conveyor
PACA Conveyor – Week of June 13, 2019
Table of Contents
Easily jump to a section in this newsletter:

1. PACA News
2. Technical News
3. Safety & Health News
4. Environmental News
5. Job Postings
6. PACA is Building and Connecting Communities

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As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Who's Who At This Year's Summer Summit
Check out this year's attendance list for the PACA Summer Summit starting next weekend at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington, PA.

Sunday, June 23, opens with a welcome reception on the rooftop the Nemacolin Lodge with beautiful scenic views of the entire area. Monday morning boasts a delicious continental breakfast followed by speakers, Greg Coker and Joshua Sayles.

The afternoon continues with (currently) 63 golfers and 22 shooters participating in our annual golf outing and sporting clays tournament, while over 30 people are traveling to tour nearby Laurel Caverns and to do a little gemstone panning.

Monday evening, thanks to our generous sponsors, after a picnic dinner, all registered attendees are invited to participate in a little more fun competition, whether it be bowling or table tennis. Also, thanks to a sponsorship, our attendees have access to Nemacolin's Top Golf Swing Suite where they can play virtual golf, hockey, baseball, football and more!

Tuesday morning brings our exciting keynote speaker, Mr. Haydn Shaw, discussing generational issues in the workplace.

It's going to be one heck of a good time in Western PA and we can't wait to see everyone out there!
Technical News
As reported by Jim Casilio, P.E., PACA's Director of Technical Services.
Technical News
PennDOT Pub 408 Rewrite Update and Recent Clearance Transmittals
Recently there has been numerous Clearance Transmittals issued by PennDOT. Most of these have resulted from the work of the “Section Teams” of the Pub 408 rewrite initiative, which began last fall. The original schedule for this work had as a goal that all proposed changes should be out as Clearance Transmittals by February 2019. This would allow for review, comment, and inclusion of their revisions into the April 2020 version of Pub 408.

Many of the sections have completed their work, but there are other items still pending review and publication as Clearance Transmittals. Section 1000 (Structures) has completed most of the work that will affect our material producers. Proposed changes to Section 1001 (Cement Concrete Structures) and 1040 (Concrete Bridge Deck Repair) have recently been issued.

The Section 700 team continues its work and will be issuing changes that affect all of our producers including:

  • A new Accelerated Structural Concrete Mix designation – “ASC”.

  • An AAAP Lightweight Specification.
Industry members of the Section 700 team will continue to work with PennDOT personnel on these items and others, as work to get these out as Clearance Transmittals continues.

Our thanks to those members who represent our industry on this major Pub 408 rewrite including:

Tom Abbey, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.

Susan Armstrong, Central Builders Supply Co.

Mark Moyer, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.

Claire Nowasell, Lehigh Cement Company

Janki Shah, Allan Myers Materials, Inc.

All of the relevant Clearance Transmittals from this effort have been sent to members of the PACA Concrete Technical Community for their review and comment.

As the Pub 408 rewrite work continues, there will be many more Clearance Transmittals (Step 1 and Step 2 final) issued during the second half of this year. The clearance transmittal process provides our members with an opportunity to comment on specification changes, which must be addressed and considered by the reviewing group, prior to their inclusion in the PennDOT specifications. It is easy to view and comment on these proposed specification changes - just email Jim Casilio, PACA's Director of Technical Services and he will add you to one of our Technical Communities.
Technical News
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Happy Birthday to the Symbol of Our Nation - Flag Day 2019
According to the official website of the U.S. Flag:

The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'.

Take a moment to honor our nation's most patriotic symbol as we celebrate Flag Day, tomorrow, June 14th.
Technical News
Email Blasts
Thank you to Our 2020 Corporate Sponsors!
PACA wishes to thank our 2020 Corporate Sponsors for their continuing support this year!

  • ASGCO Complete Conveyor Solutions
  • Babst Calland
  • Burch Materials & Supplies
  • Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., Inc.
  • Commonwealth Equipment Corporation
  • Conviber, Inc.
  • Hoyt Wire Cloth/Lumsden Corp.
  • Kemper Equipment, Inc.
  • Master Builders Solutions
  • Maurer & Scott Sales, Inc.
  • Mellott Company
  • Murrysville Machinery Co. LLC
Safety & Health News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Safety & Health News
MSHA Powered Haulage Safety Initiative
According to MSHA, about half of all US mining fatalities in recent years—including 13 of the 27 deaths in 2018—were due to accidents involving powered haulage. Consequently, MSHA has made the prevention of powered haulage accidents a priority and safety initiative.

NIOSH has developed a manual method of evaluating mobile equipment blind areas. You may want to review this method.

As we’ve noted before, MSHA’s Powered Haulage Initiative webpage has many resources including this presentation that outlines the manual method, and a Best Practices poster.

Should you have any questions or need further information, contact Josie Gaskey.
Safety & Health News
June is National Safety Month
June is National Safety Month with the focus on slips, trips and falls; fatigue; and impairment. NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and the NSC (National Safety Council) have teamed up to showcase research and prevention activities in the four topic areas.

Using the button below, you may access educational tools and processes, apps, hazard identification simulators, infographics, fact sheets, etc. to aid in bringing attention to these focus areas.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.
Environmental News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Environmental News
It's Final !
On June 5, the Pennsylvania Senate finally confirmed Acting Secretary Patrick McDonnell as Secretary of DEP. McDonnell has been in an acting capacity since 2016 when former Secretary John Quigley left DEP quickly under the first Wolf Administration. McDonnell remained in that acting position when the second Wolf Administration re-nominated him in January 2019 to lead DEP.

Secretary McDonnell lives in Harrisburg with his wife and four children.

Environmental News
Attorney General Audit of the Game Commission
The PA Game Commission (PGC) was established in 1895 as part of the Pennsylvania Constitution, to manage, protect and preserve Pennsylvania’s wildlife. However, you should be aware that the PGC is totally excluded from the regulatory review process to which almost all other state agencies (including DEP and PennDOT), boards, commissions and other authorities are subject.

In February 2018, at the urging of PA legislators, PA Auditor General Eugene A. DePasquale announced he would be auditing the PGC. The legislators indicated PGC mismanagement contributed to a decline in hunting and associated tax revenue. PGC has been consistently complaining to the legislators about a lack of sufficient funding for the PGC.

On May 30, 2019, the Auditor General released the 143-page report (below). Of particular note are Issue Areas 3 (.pdf page 57) and 4 (.pdf page 73). If you have contributed to the PGC Bat Fund, you may find the chart and account balances on .pdf page 58 interesting. If you are a hunter, you may want to check out the revenue from license sales on .pdf page 19, given the PGC wants to raise license fees, as it appears they are sitting on a $72 million surplus.

There are significant conclusions and recommendations in each area, not the least of which is a recommendation that the General Assembly consider reviewing the code for “modernization and enhancement.” It remains to be seen what the legislators will do given the report results.

Should you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact Josie Gaskey.

Environmental News
MSHA Workplace Exam Update
As you know, on January 23, 2017, MSHA published a final rule revising the existing workplace examination standard. They delayed the effective date of that rule until October 2, 2017, working with industry in implementation. In September 2017, MSHA proposed to modify the 2017 Standard. On October 5, 2017, MSHA withdrew the 2017 Standard and delayed its effective date to June 2, 2018.

On April 9, 2018, MSHA published the 2018 Amendment, which took effect June 2, 2018. This version contained two changes from the 2017 Standard:

  • examinations could occur before or as miners begin work; and
  • operators could exclude from their records adverse conditions that are promptly corrected.

The United Mine Workers of America International Union (UMW) and others filed a petition for review of the 2018 Amendment indicating their belief that the 2018 Amendment provided less protection for miners than the 2017 Standard and insufficient justification for the recordkeeping revision. At issue was whether MSHA explained adequately how the amendments to the 2017 Standard comply with the “no-less-protection” standard and whether there was sufficient justification for the recordkeeping revision.

On June 11, the majority panel ruled in favor of the UMW and others, finding that the 2018 rule violated the “no-less-protection” standard for the exam revision and also rejecting MSHA’s justification for the recordkeeping revision, and reinstating the 2017 standard.

There is a challenge to the 2017 Standard currently pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. That challenge had been stayed pending the outcome of the Unions’ challenge to the 2018 Amendment in the D.C. Circuit.

For more on this, see this FisherPhillips link.

Environmental News
MSHA Completes Upgrade to Data Retrieval System
The Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) has announced completion of a major upgrade to its Mine Data Retrieval System (MDRS).

MDRS contains comprehensive mine location, status, ownership, employment, production, accident/inspection/violations history, and health sampling data for mine operators. The link to MDRS can be found here.

Should you need assistance, contact Josie Gaskey.
Job Postings
Job Postings
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Job Postings
Post Your Employment Ads on PACA's Website
If you have a job posting you would like to add to our website, please contact Kallie Kline. This is a free service for all PACA member companies.
Job Postings
EarthRes Seeks Employees in the Mining Industry
Earthres Group, Inc. (EARTHRES) is a multidisciplinary engineering and consulting firm providing high quality services to clients in the solid waste, industrial, mining, energy, and commercial market sectors. Their core services include civil, mechanical, environmental, chemical, mining, and solid waste engineering, along with air quality services, investigation and remediation, geology and hydrogeology, and regulatory compliance and permitting.

The company is currently seeking three positions within the mining industry:
  • Project Manager - PE
  • Project Manager - PG
  • Mining Engineer
PACA is Building and Connecting Communities