2019 will showcase the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Mixer Driver Rodeo Championship. 31 drivers representing eleven ready mixed concrete producers competed in the 2018 competition. The third place finisher was Jeremy Slater of Masters Ready Mixed Concrete; second place finisher was Reece Christ, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.; and first place went to Scott Holsinger of Centre Concrete. This was the second year in a row Scott was the first place finisher. Scott represented Pennsylvania in the national truck rodeo last year in Washington, D.C. where he received the Fastest Reaction Time Award.
Skill prize winners were Reece Christ, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. (Backing Curb - 3 inches); Ryan Emrick, Pennsy Supply, Inc. (Parallel Parking - 2 inches from the curb) and the Closest to the Egg resulted in a tie - Ed Wharton of Delaware Valley Concrete Co. and Wade Krout of Conewago Ready Mix were both 1/16 of an inch from the egg. Congratulations again to all the 2018 winners!
Last year’s event was sponsored by Centre Concrete Company, Cemex, Conewago Ready Mix, Pennsy Supply, JJ Kennedy, Inc., Lehigh Heidelberg Cement Group, New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co., BASF, Sika, SEFA, Masters Ready Mix, Admixtures, Inc., Armstrong Cement, Shumaker Industries, LafargeHolcim, Argos Cement, Forta Concrete Fibers, W.R. Meadows, McNeilus, Boger, Terex, and PACA.
The winner of this year's rodeo will, pending company membership in the NRMCA, once again represent the Commonwealth in the national rodeo. All expenses are paid via registration fees and sponsorships collected at the PA rodeo. The winning driver and a guest will travel to Kissimmee, FL for the 2019 National Rodeo.
Driver and volunteer registration forms and sponsorship information for the 3rd Annual PA Mixer Driver Rodeo Championship are now available on the PACA website. Add May 4th to your calendar and send your drivers to Pleasant Gap, PA to participate in the rodeo! Good luck to this year's competitors!