Paca conveyor
PACA Conveyor – Week of February 21, 2019
Table of Contents
Easily jump to a section in this newsletter:

1. PACA News
2. Environmental News
3. Promotion News
4. Safety & Health News
5. Technical News
6. Job Postings
7. PACA Events Calendar
8. PACA - Building and Connecting Communities

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As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Centre concrete cartoon
3rd Annual Pennsylvania Mixer Driver Rodeo Championship Registration & Sponsorship Info Available
2019 will showcase the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Mixer Driver Rodeo Championship. 31 drivers representing eleven ready mixed concrete producers competed in the 2018 competition. The third place finisher was Jeremy Slater of Masters Ready Mixed Concrete; second place finisher was Reece Christ, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.; and first place went to Scott Holsinger of Centre Concrete. This was the second year in a row Scott was the first place finisher. Scott represented Pennsylvania in the national truck rodeo last year in Washington, D.C. where he received the Fastest Reaction Time Award.

Skill prize winners were Reece Christ, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. (Backing Curb - 3 inches); Ryan Emrick, Pennsy Supply, Inc. (Parallel Parking - 2 inches from the curb) and the Closest to the Egg resulted in a tie - Ed Wharton of Delaware Valley Concrete Co. and Wade Krout of Conewago Ready Mix were both 1/16 of an inch from the egg. Congratulations again to all the 2018 winners!

Last year’s event was sponsored by Centre Concrete Company, Cemex, Conewago Ready Mix, Pennsy Supply, JJ Kennedy, Inc., Lehigh Heidelberg Cement Group, New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co., BASF, Sika, SEFA, Masters Ready Mix, Admixtures, Inc., Armstrong Cement, Shumaker Industries, LafargeHolcim, Argos Cement, Forta Concrete Fibers, W.R. Meadows, McNeilus, Boger, Terex, and PACA.

The winner of this year's rodeo will, pending company membership in the NRMCA, once again represent the Commonwealth in the national rodeo. All expenses are paid via registration fees and sponsorships collected at the PA rodeo. The winning driver and a guest will travel to Kissimmee, FL for the 2019 National Rodeo.

Driver and volunteer registration forms and sponsorship information for the 3rd Annual PA Mixer Driver Rodeo Championship are now available on the PACA website. Add May 4th to your calendar and send your drivers to Pleasant Gap, PA to participate in the rodeo! Good luck to this year's competitors!
Email Blasts
Thank you to Our 2020 Corporate Sponsors!
PACA wishes to thank our 2020 Corporate Sponsors for their continuing support this year!

  • ASGCO Complete Conveyor Solutions
  • Babst Calland
  • Burch Materials & Supplies
  • Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., Inc.
  • Commonwealth Equipment Corporation
  • Conviber, Inc.
  • Hoyt Wire Cloth/Lumsden Corp.
  • Kemper Equipment, Inc.
  • Master Builders Solutions
  • Maurer & Scott Sales, Inc.
  • Mellott Company
  • Murrysville Machinery Co. LLC
Environmental News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Environmental News
WOTUS Proposed Rulemaking
The February 14, 2019 Federal Register contained the long-awaited EPA and Army Corps of Engineers proposed rule regarding the Waters of the United States (WOTUS). Note this 67-page proposal is in response to President Trump’s February 28, 2017 Executive Order, which required a review of the WOTUS rule. This new WOTUS definition would replace the 2015 definition and significantly reduces the extent of jurisdiction under WOTUS. The stated goal for this proposed rulemaking is to establish category brightlines that are clear to the regulators and the regulated community and eliminate the case-by-case application of the significant nexus test.

This rule has a long and substantial regulatory and judicial history beginning in 1973, and this history is laid out on .pdf pages 4-9 of the above link. The actual proposed regulation for each regulatory section begins on .pdf page 50. The rest of the proposal lays out the explanations behind their thinking. In general, the proposal is more consistent with the Supreme Court’s interpretation than the 2015 Rule. While this is a lengthy read, there is much information in here regarding what the Agencies considered in writing this version.

There are proposed definitions which are significantly different including the following:

  • The proposal no longer includes a reference to waters with a ‘significant nexus’ to traditional navigable waters, but rather concentrates on whether the water has a surface connection. Ephemeral features would be excluded from jurisdiction.

  • The term ‘tributary’ is proposed to be limited to naturally occurring surface water channels with intermittent or perennial flow in a typical year either directly or indirectly through other jurisdictional waters such as tribs, impoundments or adjacent wetlands, as long as those waters convey an intermittent or perennial flow downstream. Excluded are references to defined beds, banks and ordinary high water marks.

  • The ‘adjacent wetland’ definition is clarified and narrowed and does not require to be within a certain distance from an ordinary high water mark or within the 100-yr floodplain. Adjacent wetlands would not be jurisdictional unless they either:

  • have a direct hydrologic surface connection or

  • physically abut a WOTUS.

Both the ‘tributary’ and ‘adjacent wetland’ definitions are more consistent with the Supreme Court’s interpretations than with the 2015 Rule.

  • Previously, there were no definitions for ‘waste treatment systems’ even though they’ve been excluded since 1979 and will continue to be excluded. The proposed definition of waste treatment systems includes all system components including lagoons, treatment ponds, and settling or cooling ponds. Note the system must be properly constructed to be excluded.

  • ‘Prior converted cropland’ continues to be excluded. Also excluded are artificial lakes and ponds constructed in upland, such as water storage reservoirs, farm and stock watering ponds, settling basins and log cleaning ponds, detention, retention and infiltration basins and ponds, and groundwater recharge basins.

  • Ditches are generally proposed not to be WOTUS unless they function as traditional navigable waters, if they are constructed in a tributary and satisfy the proposed ‘tributary’ definition; or if they are constructed in an adjacent wetland and satisfy the proposed ‘tributary’ definition.

The proposed categories to be included as “waters of the United States” include:

  • traditional navigable waters and territorial seas;
  • impoundments of jurisdictional waters;
  • tributaries that contribute intermittent or perennial flow to traditional navigable waters;
  • ditches that are:

    • traditional navigable waters,
    • constructed in a tributary,
    • relocate or modify a tributary to be a tributary, or
    • constructed in an adjacent wetland and meet the definition of tributary;

  • lakes and ponds that are:

    • traditional navigable waters,
    • contribute perennial or intermittent flow to a traditional navigable water in a typical year directly or indirectly through a jurisdictional water, or

    • are flooded by jurisdictional waters in a typical year;
  • wetlands adjacent to jurisdictional waters.
All waters that do not fit into the above six categories are not a WOTUS. The proposed rule also excludes groundwater, including groundwater drained through subsurface drainage systems. It excludes ephemeral surface features and diffuse stormwater runoff such as directional sheet flow over upland. It excludes all ditches except those that function as traditional navigable waters, if they are constructed in a tributary and satisfy the proposed ‘tributary’ definition; or if they are constructed in an adjacent wetland and satisfy the proposed ‘tributary’ definition

There is a 60-day public comment period, which ends April 15, 2019. The Agencies are interested in all comments and their specific questions are at the end of each category discussion. We will be coordinating with NSSGA on comments. If you have specific instances that would support the industry’s interests or have any questions, comments or wish to discuss further, contact Josie Gaskey.
Promotion News
As reported by Ken Crank, PACA's Director of Concrete Promotion.
Promotion News
Learn More About Concrete Buildings and Parking Lots
PACA will start 2019 by conducting education events in February and March. Each event will provide 3.5 CEU's to attendees. Those events are described below. We hope you can join us!

CONCRETE The Right Choice for Your Project

February 26, 2019 - King of Prussia

Is there any question why CONCRETE is the world’s most used construction material?

This event promises to address why you should be selecting concrete for your building project needs. If you’re looking for beauty, durability, and sustainability; CONCRETE checks all the boxes.

Making the Business Case for Building with Concrete & Insulated Concrete Forms

There is a strong case to be made for building multi-family residential and commercial buildings and schools. If a building doesn’t last, it wastes a lot of energy, from both a human and a resource perspective, not to mention the economic value.

Durability is the ultimate profitability. Builders are realizing that the promise of low first-cost is insufficient for portfolio value generation. From energy efficiency, lower insurance costs and moisture resistance; barriers to a concrete structure increasingly collapse when industry professionals are equipped with the right design tools and knowledge. This presentation will address the various reasons for and benefits of choosing concrete for your next building project.

Concrete's Role in LEED Projects

Because of its versatility, there are many applications where concrete can be used in a building project - from foundation and superstructure to sidewalks and parking lots.

This presentation provides an understanding of ready mixed concrete products' direct and indirect contribution towards earning credits for a LEED project. Each LEED category will be reviewed with specific attention to Materials & Resources and credits driving product disclosure and transparency.

To learn more, download a registration brochure here. You can also register online here.

CONCRETE PAVEMENTS, The “Centsible” Choice for Your Next Project

March 20th King of Prussia

If you're interested in combining sustainability and long lasting beauty into your parking lot project, your choice should be concrete. Join us for this workshop where we will discuss concrete pavement options and their design and benefits.

ACI 330; the Gold Standard for Concrete Parking Lot Design

What do designers currently use for parking lots?

When asked, most refer to the AASHTO Guide or similar local DOT pavement design guide. And, there are some who design with asphalt by default because “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”

This presentation introduces ACI 330 Guide to Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots as the industry standard. The program includes a walk-through of the ACI 330 document and shows how to determine pavement thickness based on three criteria: material strength, soil support and average daily truck traffic (ADTT).

Additionally, common design misconceptions such as aggregate subbase and steel reinforcement are addressed. Proper jointing practices are also discussed.

Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots

Parking lot owners need proactive, sustainable pavement preservation and rehabilitation strategies that last longer at reasonable cost. Concrete overlays represent such strategies. With a properly designed and constructed concrete overlay, a distressed or poorly performing asphalt parking lot can be converted into a durable, low maintenance, and long-life parking structure.

This presentation introduces the Guide to Concrete Overlays of Existing Asphalt Parking Lots and explains the overlay process from pavement evaluation through construction and placing the pavement into service.

Additionally, attention is given to special design details such as pavement thickness transitions, manholes/intakes and transition into curbs.

Emerging Concrete Pavement Technologies

You can’t go wrong selecting concrete for paving projects, but you do have concrete options depending on the application.

This presentation provides an overview on those options which include roller compacted concrete, pervious concrete, and the latest innovation; full depth reclamation using cement slurry. We will also introduce the resources available to make your selection process easier.

To learn more, download a registration brochure here. You can also register online here.
Safety & Health News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Safety & Health News
Adele Abrams Talks Silica Enforcement Update
OSHA' has new information on its website regarding Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica (29 CFR § 1910.1053).

Attorney Adele Abrams will be conducting a webinar entitled, "Silica Enforcement Update" on February 22, 2019 at 10 a.m. to discuss OSHA's recent actions.

If you've heard Adele speak before, you know this will be jam-packed full of useful information. This hour-long webinar is free to the first twenty participants.
Technical News
As reported by Jim Casilio, P.E., PACA's Director of Technical Services.
Technical News
For All Aggregate, Concrete, Cement, and SCM Producers - NRMCA Releases New Topic in Technology in Practice Series
Below is a press release for a new document from NRMCA. This guide was designed to help all material producers understand the variability and limitations of the test methods used to accept their construction materials.

A new topic in the NRMCA Technology in Practice (TIP) series is now available. TIP 20 – Understanding Variability of Test Methods—Precision Statements is an overview of the variability of test methods as indicated by the precision statement. This TIP describes the overall process by which the precision statement for a test method is developed. It also provides several ways this precision information can be used in practice, from understanding the reliability of test results from different tests; using it as a basis to eliminate test data; understanding components of variability besides that of testing and use of test method precision relative to specification criteria and tolerances.

TIPs are developed by the NRMCA Research Engineering and Standards (RES) Committee and are intended as an educational resource for ready mixed concrete industry personnel. Industry members are invited to suggest topics for future TIPs.

All TIPs can be previewed and purchased from NRMCA's website. For more information contact Colin Lobo at [email protected].

Technical News
Concrete 201 Rescheduled to April 23, 2019 at PennDOT LTS in Harrisburg
Due to the weather Concrete 201 has been rescheduled to April 23, 2019

Concrete 201 – The Next Step in Mix Design Knowledge

Concrete 201 returns for 2019 and this year will be offered at the PennDOT Materials Laboratory. This class features hands on practice and training from our expert faculty on next level mix design topics including: Lightweight, Slip Form, Pumping Adjustments, High Strength, SCC, Heavyweight, AWA, and RCC. The course begins at 8:30 am., and adjourns at 3:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. Concrete 201 in 2019 will be held:

April 23, 2019PennDOT Materials Laboratory81 Lab LaneHarrisburg, PA

Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures, PCA EB 001, is the required reference for this course. You may either bring your own copy or purchase a copy through PACA.

Course cost without PCA EB 001: $110

Course cost when ordering PCA EB 001: $185

To register for Concrete 201, please click here.
Job Postings
Job Postings
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Job Postings
Post Your Employment Ads on PACA's Website
If you have a job posting you would like to add to our website, please contact Kallie Kline. This is a free service for all PACA member companies.
Job Postings
Baycrete Accepting Applications for Class A/B Drivers
Baycrete, Inc. is excited to be accepting applications for Class A/B Driver's looking to join their team.
PACA Events Calendar
PACA Events Calendar
2019 PACA Events Calendar - Don't Miss the Best of the Best in Education, Networking & More!
Continue to check out our events calendar online as more and more events, webinars, meetings, networking opportunities, etc. are being added all the time!
PACA - Building and Connecting Communities