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PACA Conveyor – Week of August 12, 2021
Table of Contents
Easily jump to a section in this newsletter:

1. PACA News
2. Members in the News
3. Advocacy News
4. Association News
5. Environmental News
6. PACA Events Calendar
7. Certification News

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25 Plat E Blasts
PACA wishes to thank our 2025 Platinum Sponsors for their generous support and commitment this year!
Members in the News
Members in the News
Martin Stone Quarries Receives Chamber of Commerce Award
The 2020 Annual Boyertown Area Progress Dinner, originally scheduled for March 2020, was held on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. The TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce (TCACC), honored Martin Stone Quarries, Inc. of Bechtelsville, PA, with the James K. Boyer Quality of Life Award.

Approximately 170 local businessmen and women, school administrators, law enforcement, as well as town and state officials attended the event held at the Bally Spring Inn in Barto, PA to honor Martin Stone Quarries, Inc. for their substantial and generous support in the communities of the Boyertown area. Since 2016, Martin Stone Quarries, Inc. has contributed over $400,000 to various community organizations.

Tessi Melchior, Executive Director of the Foundation for Boyertown Education, the 2019 award recipient, recognized, and presented the 2020 James K. Boyer “Quality of Life” Award to Martin Stone Quarries, Inc. for their outstanding contributions to the community. Martin Stone Quarries President Rod Martin accepted the award on behalf of his family and company.

Martin Stone Quarries has been mining material from its Bechtelsville location since 1953, when Henry Martin leased the property. Eventually, the decision was made to purchase and expand the operation to what is now known as Martin Stone Quarries, Bechtelsville Quarry. In the early years, all of Henry’s sons were directly involved in the daily operation of the quarry. In 2008 the remaining sons, Glenn and Tom Martin stepped back to let their 3rd Generation sons continue the legacy. Today the operation is headed by Rod, Trevor, and Travis Martin.

Over the past 65+ years, the company has experienced tremendous growth. Operations commenced in 1953 with only three employees producing 75 tons of rock per hour. Today, Martin Stone Quarries has over 60 employees capable of producing in excess of 1.5 million tons of finished product every year.

Congratulations to everyone at Martin Stone Quarries!
Advocacy News
As reported by Peter Vlahos, PACA's President.
Advocacy News
September 15th Designated as Work Zone Safety Day
PACA, along with PennDOT, the PA Turnpike Commission and other industry partners are calling for a Safety Stand-Down on Wednesday, September 15. The event will call upon the industry to Stop, Pause, and Talk about ways to prevent accidents on the job site.

As part of this year’s event, a message has been added calling for the general public to SLOW DOWN in work zones and observe the posted speed limits. A special webpage and promotional materials have been developed to help you conduct your stand-down event. Visit the webpage below.

Finally, you can help promote the Safety Stand-Down on social media with the hashtag #SaferTogetherPA. Use this hashtag to promote the event leading up to September 15 and to share images of your participation during the event.
Advocacy News
Fall PA Legislative Schedule


5, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27, 28 (NV)


1 (canceled), 2 (canceled), 3, 4, 5, 26 (NV)


11 (NV), 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24


5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 21, 26 (canceled), 27 (canceled), 28 (canceled)


3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 26


7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (canceled), 28 (canceled), 29 (canceled), 30 (canceled)


13 (canceled), 14 (canceled), 15 (canceled), 27, 28, 29


4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27


8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17


13, 14, 15



5, 13, 22, 25, 26, 27


1 (canceled), 2 (canceled), 3, 4 (canceled), 5, 22, 23, 24


15, 16, 17, 22 (canceled), 22 (rescheduled), 23, 24


12 (canceled), 13 (canceled), 14 (canceled), 19, 20, 21, 26 (canceled), 27, 28


10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26


7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (canceled), 28 (canceled), 29 (canceled), 30 (canceled)


20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29


18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27


15, 16, 17


13, 14, 15
Association News
Association News
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Association News
Gaskey Appointed to DEP Advisory Committee
Congratulations to PACA Staff member, Josie Gaskey! Josie has been reappointed to DEP’s Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee for another two-year term. Her term will expire June 30, 2023.
Association News
PACA Board of Directors & Associate Board Accepting Nominations
Both the PACA Board of Directors and the Associate Board of Directors are seeking candidates for the 2023 election for a 3-year term from 2024 to 2026. Interested candidates should email their interest and qualifications to the appropriate staff liaison. Self nominations are acceptable.

The PACA Board is open to any member producer of concrete, aggregates and/or cement only. The Associate Board is open to any supplier business partner that is a member of PACA.

Please note that the PACA bylaws state "one company, one vote," therefore if there is a representative from your corporate entity currently sitting on the either board, another candidate is ineligible to serve.

Deadline is August 25th to respond.

For the PACA Board, please send your nomination interest to Peter Vlahos.

For the Associate Board, please email Kallie Kline.
Environmental News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Environmental News
DEP Mining GP-104s - Coming this Fall
As a heads up, DEP Mining will begin uploading GP-104 information into the DEP Water Management System starting this fall. They will send notices to GP-104 permit holders to get registered and submit the GP-104 eDMRs through the Greenport system.
Environmental News
PA Historical & Museum Commission PA-Share Project Tracking
PA Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC) has begun to use a web application called PA-Share to track projects with potential historical and/or cultural resources. All future mining projects must use this app and DEP Mining is revising two mining permit modules to reflect this approach.
Environmental News
DEP Mining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
As we have indicated previously, DEP has two new SOPs in the works. One is the Noise SOP, which they are in the final stages of developing. This SOP will give instructions to permit reviewers as to what items they need to consider with respect to noise in their permit review. Considerations may include receptors and Best Management Practices that may be employed. They expect this to be out in the next few weeks.

The other SOP is for permits that are in “not started” status. This has been published and can be found here. You can expect your mine inspector to come to you asking your plans regarding the not started facilities.

Note this SOP addresses both noncoal and coal.
Environmental News
Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports Submissions To Be Required
We have been indicating to you over the past two years that DEP Mining will be requiring you to submit your mine site Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. (This is a federal Clean Water Act requirement that went into effect in 2016.)

If you are not registered and submitting these electronically, DEP will now begin writing Notices of Violation for your failure to do so.

DEP has compiled a list of those mining companies who are not submitting electronically and will be sending the information to the District Mining Office Compliance staff for enforcement actions.

Note this information will ultimately be uploaded to EPA’s ICIS database, which is available to the public.
PACA Events Calendar
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
PACA Events Calendar
Calling All PACA Superintendents - We Have a Program Just for You!
PACA Superintendents - we have planned a day of education just for you!

Please join us for the Superintendent Workshop & Quarry Tour in Ellwood City, PA, on September 16th. Special thanks to all at Amerikohl Aggregates for hosting our tour this year!

The day begins with welcoming remarks from our Superintendent Community Co-Chairs - Mike Zimmerman (New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.) and Dan Ridenour (Union Quarries). Next on the agenda is a session on effective communications by Jill Hesel Gingrich, LaTorre Communications. This session will assist superintendents, who often may be the first line of communication, to effectively become a resource to the media, legislators, the community and your customers and the best way to portray your company message.

Session two will provide superintendents essential information on dealing with MSHA inspections, their rights and responsibilities and how to best position your company in the event of a dispute with MSHA. This presentation is brought to you by PACA Member, Fisher Phillips, LLP's Arthur Wolfson.

Prior to heading out on the tour of Amerikohl's Ellwood City location, the afternoon will wrap up with peer-to-peer case studies by Dan Ridenour and Amerikohl's, Jamie Stilley. Stilley's presentation will cover their unique approach to reclamation, which tour attendees will later get to see in person during the tour, while Ridenour's case study involves their complete ICF construction of their future office building.

Superintendents, this is a day you don't want to miss. Join us in Ellwood City!
PACA Events Calendar
Registration for PACA's Young Leaders Conference is NOW OPEN!
From our superintendents to our members ages 40 and under (and alumni over the age of 40 who have attended past YLDG events), PACA is providing oodles of education in September 2021!

September 29 and 30 brings you PACA's Young Leaders Development Group's (YLDG) Leadership & Team Building Conference in Bethlehem, PA. Learn how to lead the pack from within and your personal top five strengths that you bring to your team, your peers and your family by attending this conference.

Networking opportunities galore and a community service project (part of the mission and purpose of the YLDG) benefiting the Bethlehem area round out the conference agenda.
PACA Events Calendar
PACA Leadership & Staff Brings You the Future in Hershey
The Future Starts Here will be the theme of this year's Annual Meeting & Honors Program at the Hotel Hershey on November 15 & 16, and there is so much to look forward to in Chocolatetown USA.

Haydn Shaw, a past keynote speaker at PACA's Summer Summit at Nemacolin Resort, is back to provide is uplifting and humorous keynote address, opening up the 2021 Annual Meeting. And, a speaker everyone always looks forward with his always entertaining approach to current economics, Mr. Anirban Basu is back on this year's agenda.

The schedule is filling up with esteemed speakers from our partners in the Commonwealth that will provide invaluable information to PACA members.

PACA's largest conference of the year covers the fundamental association activities required by association bylaws, our leadership and our business partners through board elections, budget updates and networking galore with peers, customers and industry friends.

And, don't forget the highlights of the Honors Program where outstanding individuals in the industry are recognized during our Ambassadors of the Industry Hall of Fame inductions and exemplary Commonwealth concrete projects are showcased when the winners of our Excellence in Concrete Recognition Awards are announced. Nominations for both of these honors are being accepted and more information is available here.

Last, but definitely not least, is a brand new addition to this year's meeting - the presentation of the PACA's Emerging Leaders Capstone Project and the graduation ceremony of the inaugural class of PACA's Emerging Leaders Academy (PELA). PELA classmates will present their project on the topic of workforce development and the future of the industry for all attending the Annual Meeting and their hard work will certainly pay off!

Hotel room booking information and registration information for 39th PACA Annual Meeting and Honors Program is coming soon, so stay tuned!
Certification News
Certification News
PennDOT Announces Reopening of Aggregate Technician Certification Program
PennDOT and NECEPT have announced the reopening of the Aggregate Technician Certification exams with dates in August through October. All the programs will be conducted at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg (Hershey Area) I-81, 604 Station Rd., Grantville, PA 17028.

Remaining exam dates are September 27-28 and October 18-19.
Building and Connecting Communities
© 2025 Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association. All rights reserved.