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PACA Conveyor – Week of April 29, 2021
Table of Contents
Easily jump to a section in this newsletter:

1. PACA News
2. Environmental News
3. PACA Meetings - Events
4. Membership News
5. Promotion News
6. Industry News

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24 E Blasts
PACA wishes to thank our 2024 Corporate Sponsors for their generous support and commitment this year!
Environmental News
As reported by Josie Gaskey, PACA's Director of Environmental, Safety & Health.
Environmental News
DEP Engineering Manual Update
DEP received over 140 comments on the draft Engineering Manual. They are in the process of screening, sorting and distributing to the appropriate qualified staff to analyze.

It will be several months before we see another version or their comment/response document.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.
Environmental News
Noncoal Activities on Noncoal Mine Sites
DEP Mining is working on a step-by-step guide to address non-mining related uses on mine sites. An example given was the placement of solar panel arrays. They have just started internal discussions, so if there are points or comments you would like to make, contact Josie Gaskey as soon as possible.
Environmental News
DEP Mining is working on developing a Standard Operating Procedure for noise as part of the mine permit application.

At this point in time, they are not ready to share a draft with us, but will do so in the future.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.
PACA Meetings - Events
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
PACA Meetings - Events
Upcoming PACA Meetings / Events

May 27 - PACA Environmental Community Meeting, Hershey, PA - REGISTER


May 18 - NRMCA's Design Assistance Program (DAP) - A Resource You Should Be Using Webinar - REGISTER

May 25 - PACA Members Forum with NSSGA's Austin Bone - REGISTER

PACA Meetings - Events
PACA Summer Summit, Golf Outing, Paintball Tournament Registration Will Close June 1st
Have you seen the announcement? We are back in business to meet live and in person this June at the Woodloch Resort in the Pocono Mountains. Arrival date for PACA Board Members is Sunday, June 13th and arrival for all registered attendees is Monday, June 14th. The meeting concludes on Wednesday, June 16th with our first-ever paintball tournament.

The registration process for this meeting is quite different than Summer Summit of past years. The hotel room fee includes a meal plan for each person attending - member, spouse and/or child(ren). Where you choose to eat those meals is up to you. You may opt to join your fellow PACA members in a group setting in a private location or you can opt to dine in one of the resort's restaurant locations - HOWEVER - due to COVID capacity restrictions/social distancing requirements, space in the restaurants is limited and advanced reservations are required. Reservations must be made prior to arriving for your stay and onsite reservations will not be accepted. So, why not just join us and not worry about it. We'd love to see you!

Another difference this year is the need to close registration early to provide all the necessary reporting to the resort. Registration will close completely on JUNE 1, 2021 - no exceptions. No additional room reservations, meeting registrations, golf registrations and/or paintball registrations may be accepted after June 1st.

Last, but not least, for 2021 ONLY - we are accepting golf only and/or paintball only registrations. You do not need to register to attend the Summer Summit to participate in either of these events. This will not be the case in 2022 and beyond.

The Summer Summit features our renowned partner and instructor of the PACA Emerging Leaders Academy speaking to all on emotional intelligence and stress management - two VERY important topics during these crazy, crazy times.

The full schedule, session descriptions, room information and more is available on website. Please join us in June! We look forward to getting back together this year.

Note: this meeting will abide by the latest CDC and PA Department of Health COVID mandates, as well as, any mandates put forth by the resort itself.
PACA Meetings - Events
Next PACA Members Forum To Feature PennDOT's Kelly Barber & the Topic of e-Ticketing
If you have not been tuning in to the PACA Member Forums, you are missing out on a great deal. Not only do our featured speakers provided information of a critical nature to yourself and your business, but the updates from PACA staff are invaluable. Get it all in a one-stop shop by registering and logging in to participate.

The next PACA members forum is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11th at 11:00 AM. The featured speaker will be PennDOT's Chief of the Systems Management Section of the Construction and Materials Division of the Bureau of Project Delivery, Kelly, Barber, P.E. The topic of this webinar will be the latest on PennDOT's e-Ticketing initiative.

Join us!
PACA Meetings - Events
Webinar on Cleaning Abandoned Mine Lands in Pennsylvania
PACA has scheduled a webinar for May 13 on the work and projects of the Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR). Bob Hughes will be doing the webinar and is the Exec Dir. The general purpose of EPCAMR is to encourage the reclamation and redevelopment of land affected by past mining practices. They use innovative projects to reduce hazards, eliminate soil erosion, improve water quality and returning the land to a productive use.

Please register for Cleaning the Abandoned Mine Lands in PA on May 13, 2021 2:00 PM EDT below.
Membership News
As reported by Kallie Kline, PACA's Director of Member Services.
Membership News
PACA Online Membership Directory - 2021 Edition - Update Your Company Profile Before We Go Live
After successfully completing our 2021 membership renewal campaign, it is time to focus on highlighting those members who have stayed with us this year.

Company official representatives will be receiving an email asking them to update their company profile, locations, personnel and products early next week. By updating this information, your listing in the 2021 Membership Directory on PACA's website will reflect accurate information for web searches, product searches and more.

If you have any questions regarding accessing your company's profile, please contact Kallie Kline.
Promotion News
As reported by Ken Crank, PACA's Director of Concrete Promotion.
Promotion News
20210416 104341   20210416 105307
20210416 102952    
ICF Project Site Tour a Hit!
On April 16th PACA conducted a site tour of an ICF apartment complex being constructed by Byler Holdings. The tour provided the 25 attendees with an outstanding opportunity to witness ICF construction first hand.

In addition, the audience heard directly from Wilbur McMichael (Byler Holdings Director of Construction) and the project architect, Joe Turnowchyk (Hex 9 Architects). Both gentlemen discussed why they chose ICFs for the project and the economic and construction benefits they experienced through their use.

A video from the day is currently being developed. When completed, it will be a great tool to add to the variety of resources that brings to our members.

Lastly, we thank the teams at Byler Holdings and Boger Concrete for helping to bring the tour to fruition. Thank you!

Please contact Ken Crank if you have a project that we can highlight in a future tour. We are always looking for those opportunities whether in person or through the SpecifyConcrete website.

Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!
Promotion News
Design Assistance Program (DAP) Webinar Planned for May 18th
We will be conducting a webinar that will focus on the NRMCA's Design Assistance Program on May 18th. The webinar is scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM.

NRMCA staff members Doug O'neill (buildings) and Luke McHugh (pavements) will lead the webinar which will specifically address the tools that are available to you to assist your concrete promotion efforts. We hope you will be able to join us. Please register for the event by click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Ken Crank.
Industry News
Industry News
Penn College Students' Concrete Video Receives National Recognition
The Williamsport Sun-Gazette recently carried a story highlighting the national recognition of members of the Pennsylvania College of Technology's ConCreate Design Club, a student chapter of the American Concrete Institute.

Three members of the club created a video about a viable do-it-yourself alternative to traditional concrete with humor bringing out the best in the video. The video was a top 20 finisher in the recent ACI Concrete Solutions Competition.

According to the article, the club, advised by building construction technology instructor Franklin H. Reber Jr., was named the college’s Outstanding Student Organization of the Year in 2020 — not long after it was formed as an offshoot of the college’s two-year concrete science technology major and shortly before it became an ACI student chapter. PACA member, Susan Armstrong of Central Builders Supply, serves as faculty in the concrete science technology program.

The video acquaints viewers with “papercrete,” which uses junk mail and other repulped paper in place of the aggregate.
Industry News
ISEE Announces Blasters Webinar Training Series
The International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) recently announced their new webinar training series for those needing credit hours.

Those interested may go to ISEE's website, purchase the webinar(s) of your choice, watch at your convenience and take the test following the webinar. Upon passing, ISEE will provide a certificate of proof of passing.

Below is a flyer highlighting more on this program.

Also, the ISEE has recently made the decision to cancel the 2021 Penn State Drilling and Blasting Conference, typically held in November. They have asked that all continue to watch their website for more information on a 2023 conference.
Industry News
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