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PACA E-Alert – The YLDG Scoop - 2nd Qtr 2021 Edition
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First Edition
Welcome to the First Edition of the PACA Young Leaders Newsletter - The YLDG Scoop
Welcome all! We hope you enjoy the very first edition of this newsletter, brought to you courtesy of PACA's Young Leaders Development Group - by the YLDG, about the YLDG and for the YLDG (and all PACA members as well)! Read on!
The YLDG Spotlight
The YLDG Spotlight
SGI Headshots Jan2019 3   Kyler Martin Picture
YLDG Producer Member Spotlight - Kyler Martin, Specialty Granules, LLC
How long have you worked with Specialty Granules?

3 years

How many years have you been involved in PACA?

1 years

What is your Job Title?

Reliability Engineer

What is your favorite part of your job?

Solving problems that others can't solve

What did you want to be growing up?

Archaeologist (like Indiana Jones)

What are you proud of?

Finishing my degree after my military career

What is something not many people know about you?

I am an avid hunter
The YLDG Spotlight
Megan Dennis   YLDG Pic2
YLDG Pic1    
YLDG Associate Member Spotlight - Megan Dennis, Skelly and Loy, A Terracon Company
How long have you worked with Skelly and Loy?

9 years

How many years have you been involved in PACA?

6 years

What is your Job Title?

Project Scientist, Regulatory Compliance

What is your favorite part of your job?

Solving problems for clients and receiving permit approvals

What did you want to be growing up?

A dolphin trainer

What are you proud of?

The team I am apart of, who work tirelessly to provide the best experience for our clients, while being dominate in our markets.

What is something not many people know about you?

I was the Court Jester of the Wilson College May Day celebration - Begun in 1902 as May Day, this annual spring ritual developed from the medieval celebration of spring. Many women’s colleges counted May Day among their traditions. These celebrations often followed the patterns of the traditional English May Day celebration including dancing around a Maypole, nominating a May court, and crowning a May Queen.

Anything Else you want to share?

My favorite project to date was replacing the Pond Eddy Bridge over the Delaware River connecting New York and Pennsylvania. Working through not only PA’s regulatory network but also NY’s was a challenge, but something that was very rewarding once permit approval was received. A close second (honorable mention) is the new CSVT River Bridge north of Selinsgrove, which once operational, will be one of the largest bridges spanning the mighty Susquehanna River in the state.
The YLDG Spotlight
Andrew Gutshall
Gutshalls PSU Game   Andrew Hawaii
Alumni Spotlight - Andrew J. Gutshall, P.G., Hanson Aggregates
How long have you been with Hanson Aggregates

8 ½ Years

How long have you been involved with PACA?

8 ½ Years

What is your Job Title?

Area Environmental Manager

What is your favorite part of your job?

I get to solve complex problems that have tangible impacts on our business. Whether it is modifying an existing permit to improve one of our operations, getting a new permit to expand an operation or working with regulatory agencies on an issue, I really enjoy bringing projects to the finish line.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?

  1. The importance of effective communication cannot be underestimated. Learn how to have honest conversations.
  1. Relationships are the key to success. I feel that being personable and genuine can only help you. Integrity is everything.
  1. Decide what you want to do in your career and don’t be afraid to take chances. When it came time for me to take a chance in my career, it was definitely scary. Do your homework. Don’t ever look back. Keep growing and learning!
Do you have a favorite YLDG memory you’d like to share?

The first “mixer” events held several years back. As I said before, I think building relationships are the key to building a successful career.

When you are not working, what do you enjoy?

When I’m not working I can normally be found building something, doing work around our house, traveling with my family, or taking my girls to their sporting events. I really enjoy working with wood and I hope to continue accumulating equipment to build a big woodworking shop someday. I’ve traveled to 41 of the 50 states and want to finish that list off in my lifetime. Perhaps my greatest joy lately though is watching my girls grow up into strong, confident young ladies. Seeing them proud of themselves, excel in sports and excel as students is very rewarding!

Anything else you want to share?

I’m very proud to be part of the PACA Community. I feel the work PACA does and its members do is important. I truly value the relationships I’ve built through being active with PACA and I encourage everyone to be as active as possible to make our industry better. You truly do get rewarded for the effort.
YLDG Events - Past, Present & Future
YLDG Events - Past, Present & Future
Hike 1   Hike 2
Hike 3   Hike 4
PACA's Young Leaders Organize Regional Hiking Event
Article by: Brianne Hastings, Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. - YLDG Chair

On May 1, YLDG members from across the state met up at several wonderful local and state parks to enjoy the outdoors and a beautiful day across the Commonwealth. Participants ranged all ages and included our canine family members. Three regions were designated based on proximity to the parks and fellow members. The western group hiked along the Youghiogheny River in Ohiopyle State Park, the central group was able to appreciate the historic Gettysburg National Military Park, and the eastern group experienced Evansburg State Park with its scenic views of rivers and valleys caved out by Skippack Creek. The terrain of the three locations were very diverse and showed off the great variety of outdoors that the Commonwealth has to offer. Even though some folks may have had to face unexpected challenges, everyone was able to have fun and find comradery among their groups. Thank you to those that came out! We look forward to planning another fun event next year.
YLDG Events - Past, Present & Future
Wind Creek
Meet, Connect, Educate - At the YLDG Conference in Bethlehem
Article by: Kallie Kline, PACA Staff Liaison to the YLDG

Mark your calendars, Young Leaders! We are back, live and in person, in 2021 for the Young Leaders Development Group Leadership & Team Building Conference. The dates for this year are September 19-30 at the AWESOME Wind Creek Bethlehem, Bethlehem, PA.

The agenda will include amazing education to beef up your personal brand, a community service project to give back to the local area and networking, networking and MORE networking with your peers.

Continue to watch your email inbox for more information on this event.
Advice From Your Fellow YLDG Members
PACA's Staff - Your Greatest Resource
Article by: Dan Ridenour, Union Quarries - YLDG Vice Chair

When visiting PACA’s home webpage, the first words to come across identify the goals of our association, “Educating, advocating, and expanding the use of PACA’s construction materials in the Commonwealth.” We do this in many ways from our annual meeting, summer summit, networking opportunities, community and lobby influences, and internal programs such as the YLDG and PELA, to name a few. As each of us grow in our careers and with PACA, the YLDG has many resources to encourage such progress, including the staff.

Peter Vlahos is the President and CEO of PACA. Peter has held this position since 2008. Peter oversees all day -to-day operations and is always available for any discussion, especially those concerning the industry. He brings an open mind into creative problem solving and is an excellent sounding board and proponent of advancing our association and members.

Kallie Kline is our Director of Member Services. Kallie has been with PACA since 1995 and is integral in the success of all our events and handles all concerns related to membership, meetings and events, digital presence, and trainings and certifications offered by the association. She brings experience and a fresh take to how we can efficiently reach our membership in an effective and fun way.

Ken Crank is the Director of Concrete Promotion and Certifications. Ken has been with PACA since 2005 and is the lead contact in ACI certification programs. He is available any time to discuss the benefits of concrete construction. Ken is a wealth of knowledge and is also the administrator of PACA’s highly informative concrete-specific website: www.specifyconcrete.org.

Josie Gaskey is the Director of Environmental, Safety and Health. Josie has been with PACA since 2014 after serving the coal industry for many years at the Pennsylvania Coal Alliance. She has strong working relationships with the PA DEP and MSHA and is always available to assist in any regulatory matters that may arise.

Jim Casilio, P.E. is the Director of Technical Services. Jim has been with PACA since 2016 and has decades of knowledge in the concrete industry and interacts on a regular basis with leaders at PennDOT as the liaison to the Aggregate, the Concrete & the Cement/Cementitious Materials Quality Improvement Committees. He is the always available and willing to share his knowledge and stays on top of current issues by holding regular meetings with industry, PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

Hank Butler is PACA’s Contract Lobbyist and has been our voice on the Hill since 2011. Hank has a reputation for getting the job done and has relationships with PA legislators that are second to none. Hank can be contacted through Peter for any legislative issues that may arise concerning your company. With his many years of concentrated experience, Hank is ready to step in and assist!
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