E alert
PACA E-Alert – Oppose the PRO Act
Tell Congress You Oppose the PRO Act
NRMCA has issued a call to action on anti-business labor practices with a significant impact on ALL businesses in Pennsylvania. In the next few weeks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bring up the PRO Act, that would dramatically change labor laws in favor of big unions – at the expense of businesses and individual workers.

The PRO Act:

  • ends private voting in union elections
  • makes the Obama-era joint-employer standard permanent
  • eliminates Right-to-Work protections, including in states that have passed Right-to-Work laws
  • requires employers to disclose advice received from counsel in union elections, and
  • forces employers to give out employees’ personal information – without their consent!
The link below will direct you to the grassroots portal of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace – the coalition NRMCA works with on these important issues. Use this link to send a prewritten message – or write your own! – to your Representative and Senators and make your voice heard on Capitol Hill.